Stop The Far Left's Agenda
In Fort Wayne

It is time to put a stop to the advancement of the radical left's agenda in Fort Wayne:

European globalist Klaus Schwab famously touted to the members of the World Economic Forum a vision of a future where “You will own nothing and be happy.”
Democrats are pushing for “15-minute cities,” they know that the electric grid and other infrastructure will never support mass electric vehicle adoption. They want cities where everything is withing a 15-minute walk because their climate agenda will require an end to wide-spread personal vehicle ownership among the poor and middle class.
The United Nation’s Agenda 2030 calls for reversing the trend of suburban spawl by densifying downtowns and ultimately neglecting what they call “unsustainable” suburban areas. Their goal is to shift the incentives in the housing market so that folks that can afford to build new housing will choose to direct their resources toward demanding taller and taller buildings in city centers rather than more suburban neighborhoods.
Over the last decade our city has given more taxpayer money to subsidizing private developers’ luxury mixed-use rental properties than it has spent city wide on building and maintaining our roads and sidewalks.

Giving away massive subsidies for high density luxury housing, that occupants don’t own, while under-investing in infrastructure needed for our expanding suburban areas. . . It certainly seems to me that Fort Wayne has been following the path set by the radical left.

Will you sign this petition and join me in sending a clear message that it is time for change in
Fort Wayne?

In Liberty,
Mike Thomas

To The Candidates for Mayor and and City Council of Fort Wayne:

  • Whereas -- Property taxes are capped, our state income tax is middle of the road, but Indiana has among the highest overall tax burdens in the nation when you factor in county and local taxes. Residents of Fort Wayne are taxed enough.
  • Whereas -- Tax Increment Financing (TIF) forces homeowners in suburban neighborhoods to pay for the essential services (police, fire, ect.) of folks in the downtown subsidized developments.
  • Whereas -- The 1% food and beverage tax was promised to only be used for the Memorial Coliseum Convention Center expansion and then retired, instead it has become a political slush fund for these projects. It is time to honor the promise that was made.
  • THEREFORE -- As a conservative voter I expect that as my elected representative you will 1) Oppose any more tax increases, 2) Stop picking winners and losers by giving special deals to chosen developers, 3) Oppose projects that use food and beverage tax funds, 4) Defeat ANY new spending from the Legacy Fund for a private project. I intend to hold you accountable for your actions.